
Sunday, May 25, 2014

About Computer Dot Com
Hi there! My name is Biswanath Mahata ( Man Behind cdcpuncha.blogspot.in). Welcome to CDC about page. Thanks for your interest in me and my blog : Here you will know about me.
About Me
I am a part time blogger from West Bengal, India. I write about Computer related all products review, Computer OS, Photoshop Tutorial etc. on this blog/website.
Apart from Blogging, I love reading books, watching movies, travelling and playing Cricket.
I started blogging in April,2013. My blogging journey started with a view to share Computer related all products review, Computer OS, Photoshop Tutorial etc.
In the mean time I learnt many new things about Blogging, SEO, WordPress and other stuffs. And I started sharing those tips.
Talking about my self, I’m very simple guy who lives an easy going life. I am studied MDCHNPro. (Master Diploma Computer Hardware & Networking Professional.) at GT Computer Hardware Engineering College.
That’s all.
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